18 Ağustos 2014 Pazartesi

What Does Race Mean In USA?

In one of the classes I took in University of Utah, we had a table where wages of people belonging different races/ethnicities were given. The typical four categories were black, Hispanic, Asian, and non-Hispanic white. I remember asking, why for white category, being non-Hispanic was mentioned, but for black people it was not mentioned. After all people belonging to any race as long as they come from Latin America were Hispanic. I could not get a clear answer then. Our instructor just told me she doesn’t know and one of my American classmate told me, actually there are no clear definition of race and ethnicity, one belong to the ethnicity he feels he belongs to. Well I think now to some extend I know the answer.

Well, right now USA gets through another event related to racial injustice. Again, a black man is killed, who is accused of what? Being “bad guy”?

As a foreigner, race and ethnicity concepts were some of the most interesting concepts for me. I came from a country which was racially pretty much similar, and ethnically also not diverse. Still it doesn’t prevent ethnic problems and conflicts occurring there. Almost all country, I am more or less familiar with has one way or the other ethnic problems. However as a country that allows one way or the other people from all countries to come and work in itself, USA is probably a unique country. And that makes the race issue here very interesting.

As I wrote, ethnic problems can be seen everywhere in the world, but only in USA those problems are a reflection of the greater inequality on global scale. The racial and ethnic structure in this country was more or less formed in 19th Century. That was a century when almost every single racial element was here in USA, African Americans, Latin Americans, Asians, Native Americans, and of course Europeans. The era was a time when Europe was clearly most superior continent. Moreover Europeans were the ones who have founded USA. So the system put Europeans to the top. Of course not all Europeans were equal. Neither in the original continent Europe, nor in USA.  England was much more influential compared with other countries. Germany, France, Belgium, Netherland also had significant influence. Italy, Ireland, Greece were still European countries, but they were in the periphery of Europe. At the same period the people from those countries were discriminated in USA. I

In 20th Century, as European super powers clash and destroy each other, differences between European powers become less important. As a result, the differences Europeans in USA also become less important. As a result, the so called “white race” look more like a race that acts as a single ethnic group. Well I wrote so-called because it didn’t act perfectly as a single group. Of course they are people like Obama, the USA president, who are kids of a white parent, but are taken as member of black race, because they have another parent who is black. But excluding people who are not pure, is something powerful ethnicities do often in different places, and in different periods in history. What is more surprising is the exclusion of white Latin Americans, especially when part of them come from Europe. Latin American whites were white, but since they first got to Latin America, before arriving to USA, they were representing USA, once they arrived here. And in 20th Century world, people still were taking Europe as the superior continent, when compared with other continents. To some extend it made sense, it was rich, it still was socially advanced (looking from left or right perspectives), however it should be noted that USA take a major role in order to make sure, Europe will be that way in the second half of the 20th Century with aids and assistance given to Europe.

Well, of course Europe has the social structure which could support USA centered world system. However it seems to me, balances between race and ethnic groups here depend much on the balances of different nations and races throughout the world. So I think we can say that the structure of the world built after 1945 helped European Americans to maintain a sense of superiority, while it erased the differences within different European groups.

In todays, as well as in 19th Century, USA, I think we can say, what US people think of members of a nation or a continent, was also what they think of USA citizens coming from that nation or continents. Whatever was and is the perception of Irish citizens, influence also perception of USA citizens with Irish descents. Whatever was and is perception on Chinese citizens, shape the perception of Chinese Americans. Whatever was and is the perception of citizens of different African countries, shape the perception of African American citizens.

That brings me to my conclusion. I think in more than any country, in today’s USA racial and ethnic inequalities are connected to the greater inequality between nations and races in the world. It seems both inequalities are feeding themselves, and the attempts to reduce and/or eliminate them will have limited success, unless a greater strategy will be built to decrease both, or at least unless the organizations working against them communicate and coordinate with each other.